Saturday, December 28, 2019

Effect of Video Game Violence on Children and Teens Essay

Violent video games can lead to aggressive and violent behavior in children and adolescents. â€Å"Violent media increase aggression by teaching observers how to aggress, by priming aggressive cognition (including previously learned aggressive scripts and aggressive perceptual schemata), by increasing arousal, or by creating an aggressive state† (Anderson and Bushman 355). As more children are becoming exposed violence in video games in the recent years, violence in schools and other locations where children are prominent has increased. â€Å"A national crime victimization survey compiled and maintained by the United States Department of Justice, shows that overall crime rates in United States society have fallen. Simultaneously, school- based†¦show more content†¦A survey of teens conducted in 2000 regarding video games reveled the following: â€Å"89 percent reported that their parents never limited time spent playing video games† (Anderson and Bushman 354). Video games provide an interactive, accessible way for children to commit virtual crimes and experience violence. They can also be extremely addictive leading to prolonged negative exposure. Violent games do not teach children and adolescents how to deal with their anger constructively; instead they give children and adolescents ideas that could involve causing harm to another in- game character or destroying property. Not all youth are the same, some who play video games can withhold from transferring the violence to the real world while others see it as a way of dealing with their problems. â€Å"For some, there is a concern that children who are inundated with the images of shootings bombings and rapes will become desensitized to such violent acts and possibly learn to use them as valid responses to life’s stresses† (â€Å"Media Violence† 1). There are countless modern video games that require the player to use violent, destructive means to complete an object ive, often against human characters. Games such as the infamous Grand Theft Auto series give players the complete freedom to kill anyone they wish by any means they can find. This kind of access to senseless violence leadsShow MoreRelatedVideo Game : Violent Video Games927 Words   |  4 PagesThe video game industry possible causing behavioral problems for people of all ages. Video game violence isn’t breaking news for years people have played games with murder and sexual innuendos. People ask why violent video games are so attractive, maybe it’s a way to escape from real life or even therapeutic. History shows us that human being like violence, in roman time gladiators killed people and animals for sport with huge number of people as an audience. 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